Industry leading 1,000+ year usable life span. No other unit comes close!
Tornado SheltersAlleviating most all condensation issues along with the ability to install anywhere!.
Shelter FeaturesRotationally Molded door available in custom colors with a lifetime warranty!
Tornado SheltersThe Granger ISS by Rotational Molding leader, Granger Plastics Company, is the only patented double wall single family storm shelter that offers industry leading features!
Internationally recognized manufacturing leader, Granger Industries has corporate divisions that range from World renown Rotational Molding leader, Granger Plastics to Aerospace innovations with Granger Aerospace Products, America's leading Tornado & Storm Shelters with Granger ISS and Cemetery Vases and Burial Urns with ForeverSafe™ Memorial products, all divisons of Granger Industries, Inc.
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